“In 2030, Whitby will be the most desirable place to live in the Wellington region. It will have the upper quartile quality of life for its residents as evidenced by a wide variety of housing styles, shops, and community facilities. There will be an extensive network of inter-connecting walkways covering all of Whitby and a higher than normal percentage of reserves. It will be a friendly, safe, and caring community which is committed to the preservation of a sustainable lifestyle.”
If you care about your community and want to know what is happening and why, join the Whitby Residents Association, have your say, and become part of the decision-making process.
The Whitby Residents Association (Inc) was established about 40 years ago with the development of Whitby itself, and has played an active role in the village, and the facilities, services, and residential development.
The Association is a not-for-profit incorporated society which represents Whitby residents and ensures that stakeholders and the Porirua Council hear the voice of the community of Whitby. We have many projects on the go, and we need more members to help us achieve for our community.
Some of the areas we are currently focussing on:
Water quality in Whitby Lake and the Pauatahanui Inlet
Bradey Grave maintenance and care
Adventure Park security and pathway lighting
Browns Bay Park parking improvements
Transmission Gully connections
Whitby village centre parking
Transport and roading projects
Enhancement of walkways
Celebrating 50 years as a suburb
Porirua Council rates increases
Join the Whitby Residents Association
Our monthly meetings are open to the public and are at St Mary’s Anglican Church at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of each month. We often have guest presentations on matters important to our suburb.
All Whitby residents are invited to become financial members of the Association. Please email your details to whitbyra@gmail.com and use internet banking to pay $15 to bank account 010546-0064030-00 with your surname in the code box.